Thursday, September 15, 2016

Snowy White Egrets

Our cottage sits by a lagoon that was installed long ago as part of a chain of lagoons meant for flood control and they normally handle the job very well.  They now attract a lot of wildlife and have become a haven for white egrets, wood ducks, kingfishers and a boat load of turtles that come up into our yard and lay their eggs.  We've yet to see an alligator, though we're told their around. A friend of mine has a lawn care outfit and was working in yard on the island when one of her workers yelled at her.  She turned around and a huge alligator was sneaking up behind her.  Larry came running over waving a rake (much good that would do) but she took off running.
I think I'll pass on that particular wildlife encounter!

Every spring a group of white egrets fly in and perform what we call 'The Cotillion'.  They form a circle and one duo at a time, a male and female fly up and circle each other before flying off to start their family.  This goes on until the last pair fly away.